Get more people to your band’s shows (almost for free)
Create Media
Create visual media which can be used across a number of formats. A well designed poster with the date, time, entry fee AND brief explanation of what type of music to expect. This can be one design, but can be re-used as a flyer, poster, Instagram post, Facebook post, WhatsApp status and more. You don’t HAVE to spell out in words what music to expect, but a disco ball on the poster dictates dancing, an electric guitar generally dictates rock music etc… Perhaps you are at a point where your band’s brand is so big that you don’t have to tell people what music you play – that’s great! Until then, make sure that you have a good poster. If you suck at design, check out for a cheap way to get in on the game – you can just have one poster made and then change the details for each gig.
Share, share and re-share! Once you have your media, make sure you put it EVERYWHERE. It’s free to create a social media account, so make sure it’s in as many places as possible. Make a little Instagram status talking about how you are pumped for the next show. With Instagram stories and Facebook posts, there is no limit on how many you can put up. Make sure you use as many of these free, unlimited resources as possible
Get More Content from Gigs
Try and record SOMETHING from every gig, even if it’s just a cellphone on a mic stand, it goes a long way towards having more content to share with everyone for the next show. a 360 camera is a fantastic investment, as you can leave in on the stage, or put it on a cymbal stand, clip it to mic stand, have your lead singer hold it. It will record EVERYTHING - so those little moments which cannot be planned or repeated will be on film for you, this gives you a perfect chance to reshare those In-the-moment things to your social media later on
Work WITH the Venue
By now, you should be treating your cover band like a business,. Even if it isn’t paying the bills, it will never grow unless you think like a business person. Fortunately, most of the gigs you will play will be in conjunction with other businesses (bars, clubs, pubs etc…). It really isn’t that much of a sacrifice for both parties to agree to go 50/50 on some very small costs for advertising. It can be 200 flyers, or a paid post in a Facebook community post. Maybe it’s just the cost of having a great poster designed. The £10 which you fork out for these will be made back if just one more person comes along and has 2 drinks, and the venue will always be grateful and re-book you if they see more people and an effort from your side when it comes to the marketing of your shows there