About Third Wheel Music
Third Wheel embody early 2000’s nostalgia in unique way. The musical equivalent of playing Snake on a Nokia 3310, or peeling the plastic wrap off a brand new CD. They are the ying to today’s yang, recreating a time when most people’s major concern in life was if their friend had received their SMS which cost real money to send.
This dynamic 3 piece take you back – but with a quality level and performance level which would rival popular 2000’s bands in their prime. Professional musicians with a polished setup, the song choices are all singalongs – to the point that if an audience member has a voice left by the end of the show – they are the anomaly.
Glowing reviews from every show tell the story how it is, Third Wheel are memorable, remarkable and enjoyable – we challenge anyone to come along to a show and not sing along, smile and enjoy themselves.